You will need a Samsung Apps TV partnership and a partner-level group if you plan to launch your app outside of the United States, or if you want access to certain APIs.
Here's the partnership request process:
If you don't already have one, create a public group. This is required for the partnership request.
Request an offline agreement with the Samsung content manager. In some cases, this requirement can be waived by the content manager.
Once the Samsung content manager approves your request, you will become a Samsung Apps TV partner.

Creating a public group
First, if you don't already have one, create a public group.
In a browser, navigate to the Samsung Sign in page.
Samsung sign in -
Either sign in with your account or create a new account.
If you are not already a member of a public group, then create a new group. In the left navigation, select Group Management.
Group management -
Select the Go To "Create Group" button.
Create public group -
Enter values for Group Information and Seller Information. When you are finished, select the Create Group button.
Group information
Requesting partnership
Next, request a partnership.
From the developer home screen, select either the Request Partnership button in the left navigation or the Partnership Request link from the top navigation.
Request Partnership -
Enter the partner information.
Partner information The page consists of three input sections:
- Samsung Contents Manager information
- Group Information
- Seller Information
Depending on your group creation status, the request form page will be different.
- If you have already created a group, values for both group information and seller information will be set from your group. You can modify your group information here.
- If you have not created a group, then all fields will be blank.
Both the group information and seller information fields are required for registration.
Because Samsung processes partnership requests based on group, the Seller Office will create your group as a public group before reviewing your request.
If you don't know your Samsung Contents Manager, submit a question using 1:1 Q&A. Samsung will provide your Contents Manager’s email address.
- In the top navigation, hover over Support.
- Select 1:1 Q&A.
- Select the Ask Question button.
Ask question - When you are finished filling in the partnership information page, select the Request Partnership button.
Verifying partnership status
Lastly, we'll show you how to verify your partnership status.
- Once the Samsung content manager approves your request, you will become a Samsung Apps TV partner.
You can verify that you are a partner seller, by viewing the Seller Office home page.
Partner seller